How long does it take for a wisdom tooth extraction to heal?

June 25, 2022

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How long does it take for a wisdom tooth extraction to heal

In this blog, we’re going to be covering how long it will take to have a healed wisdom tooth socket. Wisdom tooth extraction is pretty common because it is not unusual to experience high levels of discomfort when you have impacted wisdom teeth (a wisdom tooth that does not erupt through the gum line due to improper positioning) or simply you’re experiencing your ‘wisdom teeth’ coming in.

With wisdom teeth pain being as common as it is, we’re not surprised you’ve landed on this blog looking for more information about the healing process, so let’s get straight to the point.

After wisdom teeth removal recovery is gradual, but you should notice an improvement daily.

In the first 24 hours, you will notice blood clots forming on the site of extraction. You must leave these blood clots alone as it will aid your recovery. To avoid disrupting the site you could avoid brushing the area directly, avoid chewing on that side of your mouth or create any suction in your mouth. You will be able to eat and drink after extraction, although you must wait until the anaesthetic has worn off completely before doing so.

Within the first 24-72 hours you should notice that swelling within your mouth is reducing and any pain or discomfort becoming less too. What to eat after wisdom teeth removal is a common concern of people, for the first 3 days, it is recommended that you avoid hot foods and drinks and eat a softer diet. Yes, this means we will allow you to eat some ice cream. Things like soup, mashed potato, yoghurt and rice may be a good option for you.

Depending on the stitches used your dentist may remove your stitches on day 7, or they may call you in to check how the site is healing.

Within 7-10 days you should notice that pain or stiffness in your jaw is almost gone, which is a huge relief to anyone who has had wisdom teeth removal.

Within 2 weeks any bruising to the face should be gone. Not everyone gets bruised after a tooth extraction, but for those who bruise easily or have a difficult tooth, this may happen.

Your dentist should be on hand to help with any concerns you may have throughout your healing process.

Now, what are wisdom teeth and when do wisdom teeth come in?

Wisdom teeth are the teeth that grow right at the back of your jaw, there are 4 wisdom teeth and they typically begin to come through in your late teens or your early twenties. Why do we have wisdom teeth? Well, we don’t all have wisdom teeth and this is because we don’t need them anymore! If we go back to our caveman days, wisdom teeth were important to help us chew more coarse and tough foods and therefore we needed a broader jaw. Now, this is not the case, many of us do not have our wisdom teeth.

The first signs of wisdom teeth coming in are typically considered to be:

1. Swelling in the gums
2. Jaw pain
3. Difficulty opening your mouth wide
4. A bad taste in your mouth
5. And of course, if you can feel your tooth under the surface of the gum

For those who do not experience pain with their wisdom teeth, nothing needs to be done and you can live in harmony with your additional teeth! However, if you are experiencing pain that you cannot manage with over-the-counter medication we do recommend contacting your dentist to ensure all is ok.


Here Are Some Relevant Pieces You Can Read About Wisdom Tooth Extr