Can you be too old to have your wisdom teeth extracted?

February 26, 2022

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Are you too old to have a wisdom tooth extraction? The answer is pretty straightforward, you’re not too old to have your wisdom tooth removed. Whilst oral surgery is typically easier for someone under the age of 50, there is no age limit. In this blog, we’ll go over why someone may want their wisdom teeth removed, the wisdom teeth removal cost and why you may benefit from removal.

Why would someone want their wisdom teeth removed? Wisdom tooth pain is fairly common, and this is because it can cause tension against our other teeth as they come through, especially in an overcrowded mouth. They can cause inflammation to the gums and are at higher risk of infection sometimes due to their position and how they are trickier to keep clean than your other teeth, but we’ll get to that a little later.

What can cause wisdom tooth pain?

Wisdom teeth can cause pain for many different reasons, whilst wisdom tooth pain in the jaw may indicate that there is not enough room for the tooth, or it is a semi or entirely impacted tooth, pain around the gum could also come from infection. Wisdom teeth can get infected like any other tooth, however, they can be prone to infection as they can be tough to clean. Infection may also be caused when soft tissue grows over a partially erupted tooth. Whilst the soft tissue that develops doesn’t cover the entire partially erupted tooth it can grow over the tooth in areas, causing bacteria to become trapped. Infected wisdom tooth symptoms are likely to include: an unpleasant taste in your mouth, discomfort when opening and closing the mouth, red gums, gum inflammation, bleeding gums, jaw pain or swelling around the jaw. If you think you may have an infection it is best to speak to your dentist.

Another reason you may be experiencing wisdom tooth pain is that you have impacted wisdom teeth. You may just have one wisdom tooth impacted or you may have multiple, but tooth impaction is when your tooth has not erupted (not through the surface of your gum), this may be because there is no room or because your tooth is coming through in the wrong direction. This can be extremely painful, however,

The good news is that they can be removed and easily identified with an X-ray. This is a cause for tooth extraction as it can cause jaw pain and headaches.

What should you expect when having a wisdom tooth extracted?

It is likely for the procedure you will have a local anaesthetic rather than general anaesthetic, whilst some practices offer general anaesthetic it is widely considered safer to opt for local. Tooth extraction can take around 20 minutes – 40 minutes. You may find that when having your wisdom tooth extracted it can take a little longer, due to the angle of growth and position in the jaw. When we look at what cost you could be expecting it will depend if you choose to go through the NHS or private practice. If you do choose to go through the NHS, the treatment will come under band 2 and therefore will cost approximately £65. Private practice is likely to charge anywhere from £150.

What are the best foods to eat after wisdom tooth removal?

The best are soft foods, here are some ideas: mashed potato, yoghurt, soup and ice cream. And no, that’s not permission to eat ice cream 3 times a day!

How will you keep the extraction site clean?

Your dentist will recommend a course of treatment following your extraction. They will likely ask you to rinse your mouth with salt water. For the first 24 hours, it’s really important not to disturb the healing process, you will need to avoid brushing the teeth next to the site, using a straw or aggressively rinsing your mouth. Failure to do so can lead to a dry socket, a painful side effect, where the blood clot and healing are damaged or inhibited.

In summary, it is important to talk to your dentist about your worries with your wisdom teeth, although they can be painful when erupting removal is not always the best course of treatment. Your dentist will be able to assess what the right thing for you is
and put your mind at ease if you do opt for them to be removed.

Here Are Some Relevant Pieces You Can Read About Wisdom Tooth Extraction