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Dental Crowns may be more expensive than fillings, but they have the advantage of actually lasting longer. At Dental Concepts, we ensure that our patients always get the best quality and value for their money. Visit your nearest Dental Concepts Clinic for more information.
Depending on several factors that include the case specifics, material, and compliance to oral hygiene routines, dental crowns may last anywhere between 5 to 15 years. We advise our patients to maintain their oral hygiene after implantation of dental crown.
Before the procedure, dentists administer a local anaesthetic. Therefore getting dental crowns may not hurt. However, once the anaesthetic wears off, feeling soreness and sensitivity in the gums is usual, and it usually goes away in a few days.
Root Canal Treatment means that the pulp inside the tooth will be cleared out. Therefore to provide strength after filling up the cavity, crowns are usually used. Adding a crown to the tooth after RCT is a must.
Compared to other dental treatments like veneers and dental implants, dental bonding is easy and pocket friendly. Completed in one sitting, it does not require anaesthesia usually.
Bonded teeth must be taken care of exactly like natural teeth. Brushing, flossing and regular dental check-up every 6 months are recommended.
The Smile Circle Dentists uses a composite resin material for bonding that will match the closest shade of your teeth.
The material used for composite bonding is quite stain-resistant however not as well as crowns or veneers. The longevity is limited as compared to other restorative materials.
The average investment for dental implant treatments (including the implant, abutment and crown) is around £2500 per implant. However, there are finance options available where you can spread the cost interest-free across a year and with a small interest component up to 5 years. So it does come in a budget if you are able to spread the cost.
It is perfectly normal to consider carefully the cost of any serious investment. It is a lot to spend on your mouth and it is down to each individual patient to decide if the improvements to the quality of life, function, confidence, and appearance are worthwhile. We only ever prescribe treatment that is necessary and would like to reiterate the fact that we are always there for you for the very important after-care and maintenance of the implant treatment which is very important.
You also get a massive 10% discount if you become a member of Smile Circle.
This is one of the most common concerns for people thinking about having an implant.
The majority of implants are placed under a normal dental local anaesthetic. Though the local anaesthetic injections can sting a little, we have systems in place to reduce the pain by using very thin needles and warm anaesthetics. We also have a computerised injection system which is called the wand which can provide pain-free injection. Once you are numb, you will not feel anything sharp or painful at all throughout your treatment. You will feel some pressing and pushing during the procedure as well as some vibration during the drilling stage, but this will not be sharp or painful in any way and your dentist will check to make sure you are completely numb before they start the surgery.
For bigger procedures such as multiple implants or complex cases, sedation can be provided. Sedation is not a general anaesthetic but makes patients feel very comfortable and relaxed and they rarely remember much about the procedure afterward which is an advantage for many nervous patients.
Once the anaesthetic has worn off you may need to take over the counter painkillers but it's not unusual to have a very minimal level of pain or even no pain whatsoever. During the first few days after surgery, it’s possible the gum may feel a little sore as it heals and you might wish to stick to soft foods that are easy to eat. With a single dental implant, you should be fine to go back to work the next day.
There are a few factors that can make it necessary to wait for healing after tooth removal before an implant can be placed; the main factor being if there is any sign of infection. If the infection is present, we need to allow a healing phase of 8-12 weeks before we can place the implants.
There are some cases where we can go for Immediate Implants and then cover with immediate crowns or teeth, but that will depend on the suitability assessment done in the planning stage.
Don’t worry because you never need to have a gap if you don’t want one – there are all sorts of temporary solutions, both fixed and removable, to make sure there is no embarrassment at any stage through the implant process.
Normally the treatment times can be a little as 8-10 weeks from placement of the implant to fit of the final crown. However, sometimes treatment can take longer depending on the level of complexity of your case, with some patients not finishing for up to a year. The exact time frame will be ascertained from your comprehensive assessment including the CT scan done at the practice.
Any surgical procedure can have complications and dental implants are no exception. At the assessment stage, we look into all the potential side effects and complications if any and those are explained to the patient. If there are any contraindications present, we may defer or cancel the treatment.
When an implant is placed, your bone then needs to grow onto and fuse to the implant, in a process known as Osseointegration, if it is to become a firm foundation for a crown. In the unlikely event that your bone fails to grow onto an implant, we offer the choice of either a 50% refund, or to replace the implant completely free of charge one more time. We have usually found that patients wish to try again and that a second failure is exceptionally rare.
We do regularly audit our success rates and have seen about a 95% rate in the last year which is a very impressive figure. Trained and experienced surgeons, dentists, co-ordinators, and nurses help in providing a quality treatment that should last a long time.
Normally yes – We will do a comprehensive implant assessment of the mouth and jaw bone which includes, study models, photographs, and most important the 3D CT Scan which is in-house. We work with our experienced dental laboratories to give a long-term solution for our patients.
Very rarely we will explain that there is not enough bone to safely work with implants and then we have to consider alternative dental options with you and your dentist.
Yes, we can and we are highly experienced at this principle of dental implant treatments. You do not need one implant per tooth and can actually have as few as four implants to replace all of the upper or lower teeth. There are a variety of options for the type of bridgework supplied which can either be removable by you or fixed in place, so please see the relevant section of our website.
Absolutely yes! Dentures are most patients’ nightmare due to the difficulty in wearing and the effect on all aspects of life. Small dentures can be replaced with just a few implants, or complete (full) dentures can either be held in position with implants or of course replaced with implants all together – surely the most amazing dental transformation available. Implant-supported dentures provide the much-needed stability and confidence that the patient needs to eat and smile with ease.
Yes, in some cases, our skilled surgeons and dentists can place an implant immediately after extraction in the socket, provided there is no infection around the socket and if it meets all the suitable criteria gone through the assessment. It can then be covered with a temporary tooth till the healing takes place. But most of the time, it is better to wait for the healing to take place before placing dental implants.
Don’t worry because you need never have a gap – there are several temporary replacement solutions available to make sure there is no embarrassment at any stage through the implant process.
If the integration is successful and the area is well cared for and maintained with regular reviews and monitoring, an implant should last a lifetime.
It is possible to chip a crown or bridge on implants in the same way that it is possible to chip a tooth and sometimes the outer screw over the implants may become loose which can be easily corrected. We recommend annual reviews with x-rays to check the bone levels around the implants in addition to your regular check-ups with your dentist. We offer an annual review and you can enter in one of our membership plans with check-ups and hygiene sessions to take care of the treated area.
We now know that smoking does affect both natural teeth and implants. For natural teeth, smoking increases the risks of gum disease. For implants, smoking slightly increases the risks of complications at every stage of implant treatment. We would recommend stopping smoking to reduce any chances of implant failure in the long run.
The good news is that this increased risk is very slight and we successfully treat patients who are smokers every day at Dental Concepts.
Dental implants can be suitable for adults of any age. Implants aren’t recommended for under 18s as the jaw is still growing and the bone tissue hasn’t fully developed yet.
In your initial consultation, you’ll be assessed for your suitability for treatment. Occasionally, dental implants might not be recommended for some patients for medical reasons. For example, if you have previously had radiotherapy in your jaw or if you have diabetes that isn’t under control. If you smoke, you’ll be advised to give up before having an implant fitted. Research shows that the rate of implant failure is much higher for those who smoke than those who don’t.
Dental implants are inserted directly into the jaw, so your dentist needs to make sure there’s enough bone to support the implant. If you don’t have enough, it’s possible to graft bone from your other body parts, commonly your shin or hip, and insert it into the jaw. A bone graft may be performed under local anesthetic, or in hospital under general anesthetic, depending on where the bone comes from.
This may add some time to having your implant fitted, but can be necessary for the implant to be a success. Although this may sound intimidating, it’s a common surgery and is nothing to be worried about.
Porcelain and composite bonding are the most common veneer materials. Composite veneers are made of a resin that is shaped and bonded to a tooth to enhance the appearance. Porcelain veneers are usually made in a lab and are more resistant to staining, compared to other materials.
Ask your prosthodontist which option is best for you. If the needed changes are minor and the teeth function properly, cosmetic bonding is an appropriate choice. If teeth are spaced, broken, dark, and/or the patient clenches or grinds their teeth, then porcelain veneers may be the preferred option.
Dental veneers are a great solution for people with discolored, worn down, chipped, misaligned, spaced, uneven or irregularly shaped front teeth.
The preparation of veneers preserve the most amount of tooth structure, as very little needs to be removed. They can improve the appearance of your teeth, and gum tissues respond well to dental veneers. The color can be custom selected, and in the case of porcelain veneers they are stain resistant.
If you have stained or chipped teeth, you might be interested in veneers as they will cover up your existing teeth.They are also a popular treatment for smile makeovers or for individuals who want their dream smile.
Typically, a veneer lasts approximately 5-10 years. They do not require any special care other than regular brushing, flossing, and visits to the prosthodontist. If they are properly cared for then they can last much longer. Professional cleanings every 6 months and yearly exams are highly recommended.
A prosthodontic consultation is needed to determine how many veneers are required or if veneers are the best option. It is a good idea to have an even number of veneers. Two, four, eight, ten or twelve veneers give the best aesthetic results.
A digital smile preview can be made by taking a picture of the patient's face and digitally editing the teeth. This will give a patient a very good idea of the aesthetic outcome and help them determine if veneers are right for them.
Typically patients are numb for the veneering process. There should be no pain during the procedure once numbness takes effect. With smaller cases (two or four veneers) there will be very little or no discomfort after the numbness subsides. Patients should expect some soreness of the gums and possibly the jaw in cases that involve eight or more veneers.
You can eat most foods but each patient has a different bite. Therefore, we recommend eating softer foods the first few days until the patient gets used to the new bite position. After several weeks there is no limitation unless your case has specific needs. The most common foods to avoid are: ice, hard biscuits, hard candy, caramel apples, hard nuts, pumpkin seeds, and popcorn.
Stop all bad teeth habits immediately, such as nail biting, straw chewing, fork nibbling, opening bags with teeth, pulling on clothing or gloves with teeth, and anything that will put undue stress on the veneers.
Try not to panic. Sometimes this happens, although it’s rare. Please try to save the veneer. Do NOT use crazy glue. Please call our office and they should try to get you in as soon as possible. Your tooth may be sensitive to cold foods or liquids when the veneer is off.
Yes! You can brush all your teeth the same way. You can floss all the veneered teeth and you should continue your regular hygiene appointments as you have in the past.
Root canal treatment, also referred to as endodontics , is a procedure to repair and save a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. The term "root canal" comes from cleaning of the canals inside a tooth's root.
Once the tooth gets infected, it may gradually lead to an abscess. Root canal treatment allows you to eliminate bacteria from the infected root canal, prevent reinfection of the tooth and save the natural tooth however if the treatment is not carried out in time, the infection may spread resulting in tooth extraction.
At Smile Circle, we administer local anaesthesia and use advance technology to ensure that the pain is minimal.
Our primary objective is to save the tooth. Therefore, we focus on treating the infected area by removing the infection through root canal treatment. Once the root is cleaned, we put in a temporary filling to ensure that the tooth is allowed to settle before permanently filling it up.
Please note that root canal treatment may involve more than one visit to your Doctor.
At Smile Circle, we use latest and advanced technology to make sure that following the root canal treatment, your tooth/teeth match the shade of your original tooth/teeth.
Dental hygiene is extremely important to ensure that the infection doesn't recur at all. Most root canal treatments are successful and do not cause re-infection. However, if the same tooth gets infected again, root canal treatment can be repeated to save the tooth.
Once the tooth is infected, we recommend root canal treatment to ensure that the infection doesn't affect your other teeth or cause an abscess. The only alternative is to extract the tooth, however at Smile Circle, we recommend retaining as many natural teeth as possible.
We suggest that you book your free consultation (link) with the Smile Circle Doctor to understand the process and get a complete consultation and treatment plan.
Your treated tooth has to be maintained the same way as your other tooth. Please brush your teeth at least once a day and reduce sugary products only to mealtimes, if possible. Visit your Smile Circle Doctor for regular dental hygiene check-up for follow up.
Enlighten Whitening can whiten up to 16 shades. Results vary, but if used correctly all teeth will whiten dramatically.
Natural teeth rarely look too white. Sometimes very white crowns can look wrong because they are made of porcelain.
No, sometimes you may need to change some of these after whitening.
It is completely safe. The materials used in Enlighten Whitening have been used in dentistry for over 100 years. You may get some sensitivity, however, your dentist will give you easy-to-use desensitising swabs to take home, which will work immediately. You will also receive a tube of Tooth Serum toothpaste to brush with while you wait for your trays. This also helps with sensitivity.
Two weeks after the dentist delivers your Enlighten Whitening trays. These are thin and comfortable and must be worn in bed for 14 nights. Then on the 15th day, you need to see us for the second treatment, which takes only 40 minutes.
Results can last indefinitely with some very simple maintenance. Wearing the trays for 1 night every other month. Continuing to brush with Tooth Serum Toothpaste will also prolong results.
Most people get their wisdom teeth in their late teens or early twenties, but it is also possible to develop wisdom teeth as a pre-teen or as an older adult.
No, not everyone gets wisdom teeth. While many people get all four of their wisdom teeth, some people may only develop three, two or even just one.
Some symptoms of wisdom teeth are pain in the jaw, tenderness, swelling around the gums, discharge if an abscess or infection is present, or you can see it poking through the gum behind your second molar. Some people, however, don’t have any visible or noticeable symptoms of wisdom teeth pain.
Depending on the complexity of the extraction, there are different anaesthetic options that could be administered during the procedure to minimise the pain and discomfort during the extraction.
We usually estimate 7-10 days for a recovery period, however some people may experience shorter or longer recovery times. Ultimately, it is all dependent on the patient.
Once the tooth is removed, there is a hole in the bone called a socket. A blood clot forms in that area to protect the bone and nerves underneath. If that clot becomes dislodged or aggravated, it will cause the bone and nerve to be exposed to air, fluids and food, causing an infection – or a dry socket.
Dry sockets typically occur three to four days after wisdom teeth removal. Some symptoms include pain that radiates to your ear and is not alleviated after taking pain medication, bad breath or an unpleasant taste/smell in your mouth.
After wisdom teeth removal, it is normal to experience swelling and bruising. The swelling usually improves after a few days while the bruising may take a few more to clear up. Use the ice pack as directed by our office.
Avoid brushing your teeth for the first 24 hours. After that, you may begin to brush your teeth, but be sure to be gentle around the extraction sites (try to avoid as much as possible).
Avoid gargling for the first 24 hours. Following that, you are able to SWISH LIGHTLY with warm salt water or mouth wash, but do not vigorously gargle until you are cleared to do so at your follow up appointment.
Immediately following surgery, we recommend starting off with clear liquids like 7-up, apple juice and water. If the patient is able to handle the clear liquids well, then we recommend doing a dairy base (especially before taking any pain medications). This includes ice cream, milkshakes (without a straw), yogurt, pudding and cottage cheese. From there, we recommend sticking with soft, cooler foods . Foods to avoid would include spicy foods, anything with seeds, hard or chewy foods (like chips or crackers), acidic foods and drinks, and anything with small particles .
We recommend waiting three-four days following wisdom teeth removal to exercise or participate in any vigorous activity. Exercising too early could aggravate the blood clot and increase your recovery time as well as discomfort.
We recommend waiting at least a day or two following wisdom teeth removal to travel (as mentioned, third or fourth day is the peak of discomfort). However, it is safe to fly after or travel after surgery (it will not affect your bleeding or healing process).
We recommend waiting 48 hours to smoke. A blood clot needs to develop over the extraction site in order to heal and the act of inhaling will cause it to burst. This could delay the healing process and potentially lead to dry sockets.
Invisalign treatment is the process of wearing a series of clear, removable aligners that gradually straighten your teeth. You will be happy to know that no bracket or wires are utilised which is the case with metal braces.
Invisalign clear aligners are made of flexible plastic - specifically, a patented thermoplastic material called SmartTrack®. FDA-approved with no BPA, BPS, latex, or gluten, they fit snugly over your teeth, making them virtually invisible.
You will be shown a "before and after" digital image of your teeth. Only once you are satisfied and approve the treatment, shall we move ahead with the process. We encourage you to clarify all your doubts and concerns with the Smile Circle Dentist before starting the treatment.
Yes! Invisalign treatment is a perfect solution for both adults and teens looking for a virtually invisible method to improve their smiles. Our innovations and technological advancements make it possible to fix nearly all common teeth-straightening and bite issues, from simple to complex at your comfort and convenience.
Your Smile Circle Dentist will design a customised digital treatment plan to map the exact movements of your teeth. Based on that your Invisalign clear aligners will be created to apply the right amount of force to the right place at the right time. Your Smile Circle Dentist will handhold you every step of the way to monitor your progress and treatment success.
Invisalign clear aligners are virtually invisible so people may not even notice when you are wearing them. Comfortable and convenient, you can remove them to eat and drink, brush and floss, or for special occasions.
Invisalign treatment starts with a consultation with our trained Smile Circle Dentist. A customised digital treatment plan is chalked out that showcases the step-by-step transformation of your smile. Once you approve the plan, your unique aligners are created. You must wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day. At the scheduled time (1-2 weeks), your aligners are changed. Eventually, your shift teeth into the desired place and you get to flash your new confident smile.
Please make an appointment with our SMile CIrcle Dentist by blocking the date and time on the calendly (hyperlink) as per your choice and convenience. Our Smile Circle Coordinator will connect with you, ask for your dental photographs, discuss with the Dentist and schedule a detailed call.
It is not necessary that every dentist or orthodontist is trained in Invisalign treatment. Hence we advise you to do your due diligence before proceeding further.
Make a list of all your concerns and questions. Each of them is important to clarify before we move ahead with the treatment process.
During your consultation, the Smile Circle Dentist will discuss your teeth-straightening goals with you and examine your smile to determine your specific needs. The Dentist will detail the process, product, timeline and indicative treatment cost.
The length of treatment depends on several factors, like the complexity of the case amongst other things. Your Smile Circle Dentist will determine exactly how long your treatment will take based on your specific needs. On average, Invisalign treatment time is 12 to 18 months, though you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks.
Your Smile Circle Dentist will inform you about the same based on your treatment plan and schedule.
For best results, it is advisable to wear Invisalign clear aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, taking them out just for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing.
Your Smile Circle Dentist will schedule regular appointments, usually about once every four to six weeks. The goal of these visits is to ensure your Invisalign treatment is progressing as planned.
Your Invisalign treatment may require SmartForce® attachments, small tooth-coloured shapes that are attached to your teeth. These shapes serve as handles, giving the aligners something to gently push on in order to move your teeth with the right amount of force, and are what make complex tooth movements possible without braces. Invisalign clear aligners fit smoothly and tightly around them, so they’re barely noticeable. While not everyone who uses Invisalign clear aligners will need SmartForce attachments, if you need them, your doctor will attach them to your teeth at the start of or during your treatment and remove them when they are no longer needed.
Invisalign treatment options are available for just top or bottom teeth, but it is advisable to ask your Smile Circle Dentist for the same.
In most cases, the cost of Invisalign treatment is similar to the cost of braces. Your doctor will determine the cost of your treatment based on how complex your case is and how many aligners you need. There are several options to make Invisalign treatment more affordable for you. Please speak with the SMile CIrcle team to clarify.
Invisalign treatment typically costs about the same as braces.
Many doctors offer flexible and affordable monthly payment plans, which allow you to make small payments through the course of your Invisalign treatment rather than all at once.
Over 10 million people, including more than 1.4 million teens, have used Invisalign clear aligners to transform their smiles. At Smile Circle we have created more than 20,000 smiles.
Possibly! Doctors are treating a significant number of patients with a combination of braces and Invisalign clear aligners. Please consult your Smile Circle Dentist to determine the best treatment approach for your smile.
Yes, Invisalign clear aligners can treat nearly all common teeth-straightening issues, from simple to complex. Many people who formerly had braces choose Invisalign treatment as the discrete solution to improve their smile when they find that their teeth have shifted back.
It depends. Consult the SMile Circle Dentist and share your dental history for them to suggest the treatment process.
Invisalign clear aligners are designed to move each tooth individually. Because bridgework connects two or more teeth, clear aligners may not be effective.
Yes, you can remove your Invisalign aligners for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. You can take them off for special occasions, like a wedding, job interview, or for playing your favourite sport or instrument. You must remember to wear them 20 to 22 hours a day to get the best results.
Yes. As your Invisalign aligners gradually shift your teeth into their proper position, your gums are re-forming around each tooth as it moves. Be sure to talk to your Smile Circle Dentist about any concerns.
Invisalign treatment moves your teeth by applying gentle, constant force, but some people do feel temporary discomfort for the first few days of wearing a new set of aligners. Typically, people describe it as feeling “pressure” and it’s normal — it’s a sign your Invisalign clear aligners are working and transforming your smile. Please consult your Smile Circle Dentist if you have experience continued discomfort.
None! Invisalign clear aligners are removable, so there are no food restrictions at all. With traditional wires and brackets, there’s a long list of foods you, unfortunately, couldn't enjoy because they typically damage or get stuck in your braces.
Not all but some people experience discomfort as it takes time to get used to Invisalign aligners. But this disappears within a short period.
We discourage smoking while wearing Invisalign aligners because it can stain them.
No, chewing gum will stick to your Invisalign aligners. We recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, including gum.
It is very unlikely that your aligners would ever fall out, no matter what you are doing: sleeping, talking, laughing, etc. Invisalign clear aligners are designed to fit snugly around your teeth, so this should not be a cause for concern.
The answer depends on how long you’ve gone without wearing your Invisalign aligners. If it’s only been a short time, your aligners should still fit, but they might feel uncomfortable. Please speak with the Smile Circle Dentist in case such a situation arises.
The best way to clean your aligners is to use the Invisalign Cleaning System, available online or from our Smile Circle Dentist. You can also brush them with a toothbrush and toothpaste and rinse them in lukewarm water. Never use hot water on your aligners as it could permanently distort the product.
Yes. That’s why it’s important to brush after every meal, before placing your Invisalign aligners back in your mouth.
Yes. It is very important to always ensure your aligners are clean and hygienic before placing them in your mouth. Never use hot water on your aligners as it could permanently distort the product.
If you lose or break an Invisalign aligner, immediately reach out to your Smile Circle Dentist. Your doctor will work with you to ensure you stay on track with your treatment plan and work at an alternative.
Most doctors recommend that anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment, whether with braces or Invisalign treatment, use a retainer to prevent teeth from gradually shifting back toward their initial position. Every case is different, so ask your Smile Circle Dentist if you need retainers
Please consult your Smile Circle Dentist on this as this step arises after the Invisalign treatment.
A white filling is a natural looking, tooth coloured filling made from composite. It gives the same strength and functionality as a normal tooth would.
No, we use anaesthesia during the procedure to make sure it is the most simple and pain free procedure we can offer you. After the procedure you may feel a small discomfort after the anaesthesia has worn off.
Depending how many fillings we need to do, we can get the whole procedure done in one appointment
The Dentists use a composite resin material for bonding that will match the closest shade of your teeth.
Yes, white composite fillings are very popular and are often used as an alternative to silver amalgam fillings. This is mostly due to their aesthetic appeal and also because of mercury concerns.
The material used for composite bonding is quite stain-resistant however not as well as crowns or veneers. The longevity is limited as compared to other restorative materials.
White fillings can last anywhere between 8-12 years. If you take really great care of your fillings, they may even be able to last longer than that — maybe even a lifetime! We recommend you practice the best oral health routines to keep them in tip top shape. See your Dentist twice a year, brush your teeth twice a day, floss every day and maintain a healthy diet.
The teeth may be redeemed by the bonding and extraction process that enhances the general appearance of the teeth.
The process can be completed the same day hence immediate results is the biggest advantage. Walk-in with concern and walk out with the perfect smile at the Smile Circle clinic. The process is minimally invasive and hence results in limited pain. Another significant advantage of the tooth contour and reshaping process is that it’s permanent.
Tooth reshaping is a less time-consuming process that may be done to fix cosmetic issues like irregular form and long or short teeth. The depth of the tooth is all about 2.58 mm and throughout the procedure, some component of the tooth has been removed that might lead to tooth sensitivity. The tooth ought to be guarded following the process from abrasive forces.
Reshaped and bonded teeth need aftercare to keep their attractive appearance. Harm and discolouration may be the topmost if people are in the habit of biting nails, sucking candy, chewing teeth, biting pens, and opening the containers with teeth. A regular dental check-up at the Smile Circle, brushing and flossing teeth are some of the routine things one must follow. Avoid drinks like red wine, coffee, and tea which contain resins that might stain the tooth.
Individuals with chipped teeth, the gap between the teeth and jagged teeth are ideal candidates for this treatment. Dental contouring makes a big impact on teeth alignment and builds an individual's confidence.
The extraction process soothes and moisturises the outer surface of the teeth that in turn boosts dental hygiene. The tooth will appear more attractive after the process without matched or grooved construction.
Digital Smile Design (DSD) has been used for over eight years by top dental technicians and dentists all over the world. A revolutionary technology that allows us to view the final smile even before the treatment begins.
People choose Digital Smile Design as there are several benefits. The individuals own up the process and work in partnership with the Dentist to create their smile. This not only allows them to make an informed decision but more importantly allows them to make modifications in the smile even before starting the treatment.
No. Only certified Dentists who have undertaken the rigorous training required by Digital Smile Design and comply with all of their protocols can provide patients with the Digital Smile Design service.
This is not a painful experience. Since the process involves capturing photos of the teeth from various angles, video footage, digital x-rays it is time-consuming. However once the same is done, all the photos are uploaded to the smile design software and voila! Your brand new smile appears.
The cost of Digital Smile Design varies. The good news is that Digital Smile Design treatment is also so well planned, that we’ll be able to identify exactly how long the process will take and what it will involve before you commit to any treatment. That means that we can also give you a detailed breakdown of costs before you start treatment so that you can plan your budget.
The process is unique and individual. The overall treatment duration depends on the combination of treatments that the patient chooses based on the Smile Circle Dentist's advice. It might be completed in one visit, or could take several weeks.
You can choose from multiple treatments ranging from teeth whitening, dental implants, white fillings, bridgework, and instant orthodontics (porcelain veneers, tooth bonding, and crowns). Another option for a smile makeover, depending on your unique dental status, might be clear braces, which would extend the overall treatment time to several months.
How long it will last depends on how well you maintain, brush and floss your teeth, how often you ingest substances that cause staining (e.g., coffee, tea, nicotine, red wine). Regular dental check-ups and professional cleaning are ways to extend the shelf life of your treatment. However eventually, some discoloration may return.
No. Bleaching treatments conducted by Smile Circle Dentists are safe using high quality products.
Yes, we can help you with the same. We encourage you to visit Smile Circle clinics and interact with our Dentists and staff. Ask all the questions and clarify your doubts from them. The more you know, the less fear you’ll probably feel. Various methodologies like headphones with soothing music, numbing the area with local anaesthesia amongst other things are approaches taken to relax the patient.
The materials used today for smile makeovers are stronger than natural teeth. They hold up better against decay and wear and tear. Depending on the care you take of your teeth, the dental work should last many years, possibly a lifetime.
No. Teeth whitening has been done now for about 80 years and no such results have been reported. And further, the materials used have been steadily improving over the years, so you can be confident about your smile makeover.
No. Veneers and crowns don’t respond to the teeth whitening process. So if the existing crowns are visible when you smile, there are two alternatives. First, you could have them redone to match after your teeth have been whitened. Or second, you could have veneers placed on your front teeth, instead of having a teeth whitening treatment, such that your smile makeover will show a consistent shade of white.
Such stains can indeed be persistent. But they can be bleached out to some extent. You might want to discuss the possibility with the Smile Circle Dentist.
Everyone can potentially improve their smile if they so desire. It’s a matter of customising the treatment selections for you.
They’re an effective way to fill small gaps between teeth, to resurface and enlarge worn-down teeth, to cover teeth that have irremovable stains, to repair the appearance of crooked or badly aligned teeth, and to cover small cracks or chips in teeth. They’re a frequent element of a smile makeover.
Dentist Phobias are very common! Lots of research shows that patients can have negative or discouraging memories of dental visits from their childhood -this can be from the smells, sounds and even the decor. Each person's phobia and that fearful feeling means different things to different people. We always do the best we can to ensure each case is treated uniquely and independently.
You can be helped to feel relaxed by ‘relative analgesia’ sometimes known as inhalation sedation. This means breathing in a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen (‘laughing gas’) which quickly leads to a pleasant, relaxed feeling. The dentist puts you at ease at the same time, by talking softly and suggesting what you feel. You remain conscious all the time, although you may be a little drowsy, and any treatment given causes you no discomfort. You breathe in the mixture through a nosepiece, which is very comfortable. You can’t overdose on the gas, as the mixture quickly leaves the body if you breathe in one or two breaths of ordinary air. There are no after-effects either, and you can drive a car after about 15 minutes. Many dentists use this safe and effective technique.
When we are faced with a challenge or something we’re afraid of, such as a visit to the dentist, our bodies produce substances, which raise our anxiety. However, we can train our bodies to work against this anxiety, by learning to relax. It’s not possible to be anxious and relaxed at the same time, so learning relaxation helps control our anxiety.
Our Hygienists and Dentists can help if you:
We recommend you see either a Dentist for a routine check or a hygienist every 6 months.
Yes, part of your Smile Circle Global Membership includes your Hygiene appointment Teeth Scaling and Polishing(once or annually).
A hygiene appointment is usually pain free. However, if you experience any discomfort or pain - or even if you are nervous - do speak to your Hygienist so we can ease any discomfort you have. We can use anaesthetic creams or provide you with a local anaesthetic
When Urgent Dental Consultation / Treatment is Needed that cannot wait until the next working day
If you are a patient this appointment may not be with your usual dentist but we will try to accommodate your usual dentist where possible.
If you are not a patient, you can still have an emergency appointment with our practice but you are more than welcome to see us or you can contact where you are registered as a patient.
Yes, two emergency appointments are provided in your Membership! You can become a Member of for £11.50 per month.
This includes:
(Not Including Invisalign)
We recommend before their first birthday or when the first tooth appears! This helps us create strong bonds with our young patients so they never get concerned about visiting us at Smile Circle.
From the moment the first tooth appears! It is important to always ensure the best oral health for our little ones and start the best hygiene habits whilst they are young.
We would advise that children cease using a dummy at before the age of 3. This even includes thumb sucking. You do not want to encourage the risk of your child developing malocclusions (crooked teeth or a poor bite).
Early awareness and prevention is the best step to take, we would advise booking an appointment to determine what could be causing the stains and advise a treatment plan to rectify the problem.
We generally recommend scheduling check-ups every six months to maintain good oral care routines, though depending upon your child’s needs, more frequent visits may be necessary but your dentist will be able to advise frequency upon the first appointment.
The first step is to meet the Smile Circle Dentist. After discussion, evaluation, and understanding your concerns, you will be advised on the way forward to restore and replace teeth, including dentures for even the most complex cases. The Smile Circle Dentist will be able to help determine if another treatment option might be more suitable for your particular situation.
There are two types of dentures - complete and partial. As the name suggests, the dentures that replace all the teeth are known as complete dentures and they rest on the gums that cover the jawbones. The dentures that replace some but not all of the teeth are known as partial dentures.
Denture fees depend on various factors, including the complexity of your treatment and the time required to complete the treatment. At Smile Circle we offer interest-free financial assistance based on the timeline and overall cost of the treatment. We suggest that you meet the Smile Circle Dentist to discuss the care you may need.
Yes, you may wear your dentures at night but they should be removed as this will give your gums and bone a chance to relax from the pressure of the dentures during the day.
Most patients need to learn how to use dentures properly and as a result, it takes a little time to get used to them. After a while, you should be able to eat fairly normally, but it may take more time to get comfortable with harder foods or sticky foods. Please note that dentures and chewing gum do not usually work well together. The gum typically sticks to the acrylic plastic in the denture and may break a seal which may loosen them as a result.
Initially, it’s normal to experience minor irritation and discomfort. However, over time your gums will get accustomed to the dentures. A regular visit to your Smile Circle Dentist to adjust the dentures as you go through the normal healing process is recommended.
If your dentures no longer fit well, you may need to have a procedure done to refit the base of the denture, called a “reline". Your Smile Circle Dentist will check and confirm if the process is required or not.
“Permanent dentures” are retained by screws or dental cement onto dental implants and are clipped on over the implants. Typically, the soreness should be resolved within two weeks if it persists, likely something in the denture needs to be adjusted.
Yes, it is possible to have your teeth removed and dentures put in the same day. These dentures are called immediate dentures and you should talk to your Smile Circle Dentist to evaluate if that treatment is the best for you.
Based on your discussion with the Smile Circle Dentist, you can decide if you want to go ahead with the treatment or not. If your gums are uneven, or they cover too much or too little of your teeth, then gum contouring or gum reshaping is recommended.
Yes, there is a little bit of pain associated however local anaesthesia takes care of the same during the procedure.
The recovery time depends on two aspects - the individual and the tools utilised by the clinic. At Smile Circle we use advanced tools to ensure that the minimally invasive process is utilised to treat the gums thereby decreasing the recovery time. Regardless, you will experience some swelling and discomfort afterwards.
Yes. You must be careful about what you eat since your gums will be sensitive. Avoid eating anything that requires you to put pressure on your teeth/gums. Most people follow a soft diet of yogurt, soup, ice cream or pudding for a couple of days.
These terms are used interchangeably by Dentists. However the approach and objective are very similar.
Gum contouring is a cosmetic procedure that can change the shape of your gums. A dentist can use this procedure to cut away excessive gum tissue that is giving you a "gummy" smile or to restore gum tissue that has receded.
You must contact the Smile Circle Dentist to understand the reason as it may vary in every case. Usually, the lower denture is much less stable than the upper denture. This is due to the shape of the gums on the lower ridge and the movement of the denture caused by the tongue.
The Smile Circle Dentists are highly trained in matching the closest colour and shade of your natural teeth. You must set the expectation at the consultation stage and approve the treatment once you are convinced.
Research shows that once the teeth are removed, the jaw bone shrinks and changes shape. Typically, dentures should be checked every year, and often they should be remade when they lose their fit and are loose in your mouth after 5-10 years of use. By using dental adhesive, you may have masked the loose fit of your dentures. Even though you have adapted to these dentures, you are not receiving the function and appearance you deserve.
Your dentures may be ill-fitting or the position of the implants may not be the most favourable. Usually, this can be resolved by improving the fit of the denture or by adding (more) implants. Your Smile Circle Dentist can help you in resolving this.
If you are using your denture adhesive correctly, there should not be a lot of adhesive left on your gums and palate when you remove your denture. Patients use a variety of methods to remove the adhesive: a piece of gauze, a tissue, a damp washcloth, or a wet toothbrush. Use no more than three or four pea-sized dabs of adhesive on each denture
Composite bonding is the perfect solution to several dental problems. Such as: misshapen teeth, misaligned teeth, cracked teeth, chipped teeth, teeth with decay, stained teeth and gaps between teeth.
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