What are the most common dental procedures in paediatrics

June 25, 2022

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Need to take your child to the dentist for treatment? It’s not uncommon, so don’t worry you’re not alone!

We’re going to cover some of the most common dental treatments that are carried out for children, so you’re in the know if you’re children ever need any of these treatments.

Whilst X-rays are not an intrusive treatment, a pediatric dentist is still likely to take an X-ray of your child’s teeth. This will give your dentist a fantastic idea of what’s happening under the gums! It can be especially important to monitor how your children’s teeth are developing and X-rays are a great tool.

Another minimally invasive treatment is braces, probably the most common treatment in children’s dentistry and orthodontics. Once your child’s adult teeth have all come through your dentist may recommend that your child has braces to correct the alignment of their teeth. There are huge benefits to getting orthodontic treatment as a teen or young adult because their softer jawbone tissue is still pretty receptive to repositioning. You can have this treatment with the NHS if the positioning is severe, or you can opt to have this done privately. You may opt for Invisalign privately for older children, or traditional metal braces.

Although children should be encouraged to have a great oral care routine that will prevent tooth decay and cavities, there are still many children that do require fillings. These fillings are typically amalgam, however, your child can have white fillings with a private dentist. The filling procedure for children is much the same as an adult procedure, but your pediatric or general dentist will typically take it slower with your child.

Tooth extractions
This may or may not come as a surprise, but tooth extractions can be a common procedure for children. This may be due to dental neglect or it could simply be your child’s tooth has become impacted or has grown through in the wrong place. Those with severely crowded teeth may need to have a tooth extracted in order to fit the braces.

These are the top 4 procedures your child may need, but don’t fear pediatric dental care or dental care with your family dentist shouldn’t be stressful. You may not necessarily need a pediatric dentist as your regular dentist may be able to cater to your children. However, if you do need to visit a pediatric dentist it is usually far easier to get a referral from your existing dentist, rather than simply googling ‘pediatric dentist near me’, or children’s dentist near me. Children’s dental care is typically prevention-focused, and where possible this is advised as creating good and healthy habits prevents much of the need for invasive and scary procedures and ensures a positive relationship with the dentist.