dental implant success rate

March 10, 2022

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dental implant success rate

If you’re considering replacing teeth and getting dental implants, you’re probably wondering how common is it for an implant to fail, or why does a dental implant fail? There are a couple of reasons why this can happen and it can depend on your dentist, your bone quality and the way you care for your implant post placement. In this blog, we want to cover a little more about the success rate of implants, and then some more general information if you’re still researching dental implants as a possible treatment.

What is the success rate of a dental implant?

Dental implants have a high success rate, and one of the reasons for this is that you will be thoroughly assessed to ensure you are a good candidate for implants. As a general figure 95% of dental implant cases are successful, ask your dentist for their success rate as this may vary for the better or the worse. The rate of success is increasing due to the enormous amounts of technology and advancements in surgical procedures.

Why does a dental implant fail?

An implant can fail for a few main reasons, let’s go through them now together.

1. Poor bone density. When we lose teeth, the bone around the tooth that we lost can be reduced. Implants have the best chance of success when the implant can fuse with the bone on either side. Your dentist will do a CT scan for you which will show the bone density and if you are still able to have dental implants, they will take extra measures to ensure the implant has the best chance. For those wanting implants who have a compromised bone density, there are bone grafts which could be an option to increase your bone density. If you have an implant and you’re wondering why is my dental implant loose? We recommend talking to your dentist immediately as a loose dental implant is likely to mean it is not fusing well to the bone.

2. Poor hygiene after implant placement. It is important to keep the site clean however make sure you follow your dentist’s advice as cleaning your mouth after an implant does look a little different.

3. Interfering with healing. When we talk about interfering with healing we mean the site of the tooth implant, it’s important you leave this site alone and don’t disrupt it as you may dislodge the blood clot formed. You could dislodge the blood clot by aggressively rinsing your mouth, sucking a straw or brushing the site. Make sure you’re taking and following your dentist’s advice.

4. Medications or conditions that slow healing. At your consultation, your dentist will ask you whether you are taking any medications or have any conditions that they know will slow healing. Autoimmune diseases are the most common that can delay healing. If your dentist still deems it safe to continue they will give you additional instructions post-care to make sure your implant heals well.

What are the symptoms of an infected dental implant?

If you’re wondering, why does my dental implant smell? Or, why is my dental implant throbbing? You may have an infection, here are some of the other symptoms of infection: pain, fever, swollen or red gums, pus or bleeding or your implant feeling loose. If you think you may have an infection, speak to your dentist immediately.

Why would someone need dental implants?

Dental implants are a way of replacing missing teeth, they act as natural teeth and are a non-removable option. You can have a single tooth implant or you could have what is called all-on-4 dental implants, which are considered permanent dentures. All 4 dental implants work by having 4 implants at a time to secure a denture rather than a singular tooth per implant.

Why should I get dental implants?

People opt for dental implants for several reasons but here are some of the main reasons they do.
1. They are a fixed alternative for replacing missing teeth
2. They look natural
3. They help to prevent further bone loss
4. They can help to protect your facial structure
5. Dental implants don’t limit what you eat

How much do dental implants cost?

Dental implants cost around £2000 per tooth, this will vary from dentist to dentist and you may find if you are having more than one the dental implant cost could reduce. It is important to seek a dentist who has a wealth of experience and knowledge in dental implants.

In summary dental implants are a great option for missing teeth, they have a lot of functional benefits to them as well as being cosmetically and aesthetically pleasing. We always recommend speaking to a dentist you trust about your eligibility for dental implants as personal circumstances are always different.
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