Dental Abscess

7 Questions To Ask Your Dentist Before Getting Dental Implants.

December 22, 2021

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Dental Implants:-

,are usually the most recommended treatment for missing teeth. What is a dental implant? They are replacement for missing teeth with non-removable teeth that look and feel natural. A titanium post is surgically put into the jaw bone; it can then support a singular crown or a bridge structure. In this blog we’ll cover the 7 questions we think you need to ask your dentist before getting dental implants! We’ll assume that you’ve found a dentist you’d like to use, however if not we advise doing thorough research. You can search for terms like: ‘dental implants near me’ or ‘dental implants uk’ have a look at the various websites, their costs, the experience of the dentists and especially the reviews! It’s really important you find a dentist you trust to do a good job and look after you.

Now let’s get on with those all important questions…

1. What is the dental implant price?

The dental implant price can vary based on what dental practice you visit and the experience of the dentist. Typically the dental implant cost UK starts from around £2000 and can go up to £3000 per implant. Once you know the cost, it’s also a great idea to get dental implant financing, many dentists will have finance plans available for those who would like to spread the cost, especially with larger treatment plans.

2. What are dental implant healing stages?

It’s really important that you understand the healing process. This will mostly have a standard procedure; however based on your personal case the dentist will advise you of the aftercare steps.

3. Dental implant pain.

Is a dental implant painful? Whilst dental implants shouldn’t be painful during the surgery, you may feel some discomfort or pain during the healing process. Your dentist should discuss with you what you can expect with some pointers of how to help!

4. Am I suitable for dental implants?

Whilst this clearly needs to be answered prior to surgery, at consultation stage it’s worth asking this to gage what needs to be done specifically in your case. For some people their case is straight forward, for others they may need a bone graft. A dental implant with bone graft is for those with reduced bone structure in the jaw. The bone graft is made of cow bone; this has been used for a long time successfully in dentistry.

5.What are the chances of success?

We recommend asking the dentist performing your implants what their personal success rate is. This will vary based on experience and success but is often a good indicator. We’d also suggest asking them how many they do yearly.6. Is there anything you should avoid doing with dental implants?
Dental Implants are pretty sturdy and act like natural teeth, however your dentist will be able to advise if you need to adapt anything, even if only temporarily. One tip we’ll leave you with is to avoid eating or drinking anything hot until you the numbing has worn off from your surgery, it can take around 2 hours after surgery.

6.What happens if the surgery goes wrong?

This may seem like a slightly negative question, but it’s always helpful to understand the procedure if things don’t go to plan. Many dentists who perform lots of implants will have a plan for if the surgery fails, or an implant isn’t able to be placed first go. There are lots to think about when it comes to dental implants. It’s always best to book a consultation and ask these questions with the dentist who will be performing your implant surgery! If you’d like to find out more around the specifics of dental implants we’d advise reading our ’Dental Implants – All You Need To Know’ blog!

Here Are Some Relevant Pieces You Can Read About Dental Implants