How often should I visit a dentist?

July 5, 2022

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How often should you be visiting the dentist? That’s a pretty tricky question, because it largely depends on you, your age and your health. That being said, let’s try and answer that question so you can make sure you’re visiting the dentist regularly enough!

This answer may vary based on your personal case and oral health status. For those with a clean bill of oral health, your dentist is likely to suggest that you continue to visit the dentist once a year for your regular dental check-up. It is also expected that someone who is visiting the dentist once a year would also visit the hygienist once a year also. This will ensure your oral hygiene is kept to a high standard, but also your dentist can manage any changes in your oral health.

Those with ongoing dental needs or who have had gum disease may need more frequent dental appointments. This may include a regular dental checkup with your dentist every 6 months, and possibly up to three hygiene appointments per year. If you have suffered previously from gum disease or a similar issue, you may need to visit a periodontist regularly to have specialist dental treatment

It’s pretty hard to advise how many times you should visit your dentist without knowing your personal circumstances, however, this is something that will be discussed with your dentist at the end of every appointment. You may find that once your oral health condition improves your dentist may reduce the number of visits needed.

So, what can you expect to happen at your dental appointment?
Your regular dental checkup will include an X-ray and your dentist assessing your gum and teeth health. Included in this your dentist will also check for signs of oral cancer and other conditions. In this appointment, if you want to discuss other treatments such as teeth whitening options. However, if you do want to discuss more advanced cosmetic options you may need to find a specialist cosmetic dentist if your current dentist doesn’t provide this. Your dental checkup should not be painful, as your trusted dentist should be a gentle dentist. If you’re wondering how much a dental checkup costs? The answer will depend on whether you see a dentist privately or with the NHS. The NHS will charge you £23.80, whereas a private appointment may cost up to £75, done privately check-ups will be more thorough.

If you don’t yet have a regular dentist you can trust, we recommend looking at our selection of dentists who we personally recommend and endorse! Having a regular dentist, who you feel confident and happy to visit will reduce the anxiety that you experience when visiting the dentist and make sure your mouth is he