How long does it take to adjust to Invisalign Aligners?

March 5, 2022

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Invisalign is one of the most popular and quickest ways to straighten teeth. The Invisalign alternative is the traditional braces, which unsurprisingly people have been keen to avoid. However, like traditional braces, you will have an adjustment period as Invisalign pain day 1 is not uncommon. Let’s discuss the adjustment period for Invisalign aligners and what to expect.

How long does it take to adjust to Invisalign aligners?

It is not uncommon to have some discomfort or pain for the first week or two of Invisalign, dull pain is the most common as your teeth are adjusting to movement. You may even find you experience Invisalign pain in one tooth and this is because the attachments your dentist has put onto your teeth may apply more pressure to certain teeth in line with your treatment plan. For our patients who opt for Invisalign, we advise that you should expect to adjust over 2 weeks.

What makes the first set of aligners the most painful?

Not only are your teeth becoming accustomed to moving, but your mouth must also adjust to having a foreign object over your teeth, constantly. You may find your cheeks and lips rub a little on your Invisalign aligners, however, if this does occur you can apply some orthodontic wax to aid healing. If you are in constant pain though we advise talking to your dentist, it may be that your Invisalign aligners have a slightly sharp or harsh edge which your dentist can amend.

Why might your Invisalign aligners be causing you pain?

1. You’re experiencing Invisalign pain when removing your aligners.
Removing your aligner can be tricky, to begin with, it’s a very snug fit and some people find it a little painful to remove. The more times you change and remove your aligner the more accustomed you will become to it, and you’ll also feel it slowly get looser.
2. You’re experiencing Invisalign pain after not wearing your aligners.
It is recommended that you wear your Invisalign aligners for 20-22 hours per day. The reason this is recommended is that our teeth will want to move back to their original position. If you are not wearing your Invisalign aligners for the recommended time, you will find that when you then wear your aligners you will have more pressure again. Wearing your aligners for the full amount of time will help to move and keep your teeth in line with your treatment plan and keep you pain-free.
3. ‘I’ve got Invisalign pain after new tray’
Probably the most common reason for pain or discomfort of them all. Every time you change your aligner you are putting more pressure on your teeth, as each aligner will be slightly tight fitting forcing your teeth to move in line with the Invisalign aligner.

In summary, how do we feel about Invisalign after talking about the adjustment period? Whilst the thought of going through the first aligner and adjusting can sound a little off-putting, most of our patients only experience mild discomfort, some experience some pain for the 2 weeks but very few are distressed by this. We also find that our patients adjust very quickly, and it’s estimated that Invisalign has a satisfaction rate of around 95%. Invisalign is typically a great option for patients with an uncomplicated case of overcrowding. Your dentist will discuss with you what the possible options available for you are at your consultation.


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