Everything you need to know about Dentures

May 1, 2024

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Are you considering dentures to restore your smile’s functionality and appearance? Perhaps you’re already wearing them and have some questions. Either way, you’re in the right place! In this guide, we’ll delve into the frequently asked questions about dentures, providing you with all the information you need to know.

What are Dentures?
Dentures are removable appliances used to replace missing teeth and surrounding tissues. They come in various types, including acrylic dentures and flexi dentures. Whether you’ve lost teeth due to decay, injury, or age, dentures offer a practical solution to restore your smile and improve chewing and speaking abilities.

1. How Do Dentures Work?
Dentures are custom-made to fit your mouth, providing a comfortable and natural-looking replacement for missing teeth. They rely on the surrounding tissues and remaining teeth (if any) for support and stability.

2. What Types of Dentures Are Available?

Dentures come in several types to suit different needs:

1.Acrylic Dentures: These are traditional dentures made of acrylic resin, providing durability and affordability.

2.Flexi Dentures: These are made of flexible nylon material, offering a more comfortable and natural fit.
Your dentist can help you determine what the best kind of denture would be for you!

3.How Long Do Dentures Last?
With proper care and regular check-ups with the best dentist, UK dentures can last for several years. However, they may need adjustments or replacements over time due to changes in your mouth’s structure or wear and tear.

4.How Can I Care for My Dentures?
Caring for your dentures is essential to maintain their functionality and appearance:

Clean them daily with a denture cleaner to remove food particles and prevent stains.
Brush your dentures with the best toothpaste for dentures to keep them clean and fresh.
Handle them carefully to avoid damage, and soak them in water or a denture solution when not in use.

5. Can I Eat Normally with Dentures?
Yes, dentures allow you to eat a variety of foods, although it may take some time to adjust to chewing with them. Start with soft foods and gradually introduce harder textures as you become more accustomed to wearing dentures.

6. Are Dentures Affordable?
Affordable dentures are available, offering a cost-effective solution for tooth replacement. However, the price may vary depending on the type of dentures and additional services required, such as adjustments or repairs.

7. Can I Get Partial Dentures for Missing Teeth?
Partial dentures are an excellent option if you have some natural teeth remaining. They fill in the gaps created by missing teeth, restoring your smile’s appearance and preventing neighbouring teeth from shifting.

Find Your Best Dentist Near You
If you’re considering dentures or need expert advice on dental care, visit Smile Circle’s website today. Our platform connects patients with trustworthy and reputable dentists in the Dorset and Hampshire area, UK. Discover the best dentist near you and take the first step towards a healthier, happier smile.

Ready to learn more? Visit Smile Circle to find a dentist near you today!

Don’t let missing teeth hold you back – embrace the confidence of a complete smile with dentures tailored to your needs. Smile Circle is here to guide you every step of the way.