Can you sleep with dentures in?
July 5, 2022
It’s common to get dentures when you have missing teeth. They’re great for improving the aesthetic of your smile, but also they play a key part in the functionality of your mouth. People often opt for dentures when the cost of dental implants is considered out of their budget. High-end Flexi dentures cost typically around 50% of 1 dental implant carried out in the UK, so you can save costs by avoiding dental implants and opting for a denture.
One of the most common questions when it comes to dentures is, can you sleep with them in?
No is the short answer. After having your denture fitted you will likely be asked to keep your denture in all of the time for around the first 24 hours. Your dentist may then adjust the bite as needed and if they’re happy with the outcome you’ll typically be told to remove your denture at night.
You may be thinking, how come I can’t wear my dentures at night? Well, here are just some of the reasons…
Wearing dentures at night can reduce your saliva flow, which leads to an increase in bacteria in the mouth. Not only could additional bacteria cause decay, but you may also be more vulnerable to pneumonia.
You could shorten the lifespan of your dentures. Whether you’ve opted for partial dentures, full dentures, or a flexi denture, all dentures need a break. The inside of your mouth is acidic and therefore too much exposure to this leads to a shorter denture lifespan.
Even the best fitting dentures may cause irritation to your gums, especially at night. Taking your dentures out overnight gives your gums time to rest. If you’re looking for a more permanent option for replacing missing teeth, dental implants are your best option as they do not need to be taken out and you can carry on as if you have natural teeth. But if you feel dentures are the best fit for you, that’s great too! When it comes to choosing the right denture for you, your dentist should be able to guide you to a denture that fits your budget. All dentures, including affordable dentures, are a good option if they give you a great fit and you feel comfortable wearing them. If you’re looking to find a dentist to create the perfect denture for you, you can ask for recommendations, ask your existing dentist, even search online for dentures near me’ or visit an NHS practice.
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