dental implant success rate

dental implant success rate If you’re considering replacing teeth and getting dental implants, you’re probably wondering how common is it for an implant to fail, or why does a dental …

Is Composite Dental Bonding Treatment Right For Me?

In this blog we’re going to cover all about dental bonding, what edge bonding is and what the composite bonding cost may be, all in the hopes that this will …

What Is The Success Rate Of Dental Implants?

If you’re considering replacing teeth and getting dental implants, you’re probably wondering how common is it for an implant to fail, or why does a dental implant fail? There are …

How long does it take to adjust to Invisalign Aligners?

Invisalign is one of the most popular and quickest ways to straighten teeth. The Invisalign alternative is the traditional braces, which unsurprisingly people have been keen to avoid. However, like …

Can Dental Implants Affect Your Health?

Can dental implants impact your overall health? Dental implants are hailed as the best alternatives for missing teeth. The number of implants you may need will solely depend on how …

home care after dental implant surgery

home care after dental implant surgery In this blog, we’re going to cover what dental implants post-surgery care is. Dental implants are becoming a much more common procedure, and although …

7 Facts you should know about getting dental insurance

I’m sure you’ve heard of dental insurance, health insurance and dental insurance are slowly increasing in popularity, with people feeling it will help them to get the best treatment. There …

Gum Contouring Treatment

how to fix uneven gums at home – Receding gums

how to fix uneven gums at home – Receding gums Can gum contouring fix receding gums? Let’s unpack that together, but first, we need to discuss what it means to …

Can you be too old to have your wisdom teeth extracted?

Are you too old to have a wisdom tooth extraction? The answer is pretty straightforward, you’re not too old to have your wisdom tooth removed. Whilst oral surgery is typically …

When to visit a paediatric dentist?

Children’s dental health is really important, creating healthy habits and having your children’s teeth checked frequently is the best way to avoid poor dental health. In this blog, we’ll cover …