What is a dental implant? Dental Implants are a titanium post placed surgically placed in the jaw bone, this post then supports a dental crown or bridge to replicate the …
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What is a dental implant? Dental Implants are a titanium post placed surgically placed in the jaw bone, this post then supports a dental crown or bridge to replicate the …
composite veneers vs emax Porcelain Or Composite Veneers: Which Are Better?,are incredibly popular among many people. They can drastically improve the aesthetics of your smile, but also protect the structure …
veneers abroad Veneers have had a quick rise to fame due to the high profile celebrities with veneers. People typically have a lot of questions when considering veneers, some of …
During our growing years, all of us remember hearing these golden words “Keep sugary foods in check. Did you brush and floss your teeth?” These were essential words of wisdom. …
As a 45-year-old, Kritika was happy with her teeth as there were no visible teeth concerns or toothache. Regular brushing was enough for her and apart from uprooting two wisdom …