Are white fillings healthy?

Are white fillings healthy? What a good question! When we experience tooth decay or cavities, we often have a tooth filling. This filling helps to protect the site of decay …

Things you need to know about Root Canal Treatment

Having a root canal is extremely common, but why do we need root canal treatment? Some of the reasons for needing a root canal: are broken teeth, cavities or decay. …

7 Facts you should know about getting dental insurance

I’m sure you’ve heard of dental insurance, health insurance and dental insurance are slowly increasing in popularity, with people feeling it will help them to get the best treatment. There …

Gum Contouring Treatment

how to fix uneven gums at home – Receding gums

how to fix uneven gums at home – Receding gums Can gum contouring fix receding gums? Let’s unpack that together, but first, we need to discuss what it means to …

When to visit a paediatric dentist?

Children’s dental health is really important, creating healthy habits and having your children’s teeth checked frequently is the best way to avoid poor dental health. In this blog, we’ll cover …

7 Common Dental Emergencies And First Aid

When you have dental pain it can be hard to determine whether you need urgent dental care, or whether it is something you can aid at home until you can …

Oral Health Concerns Common In Seniors

As we age, our teeth do often experience wear and tear. Often more senior patients come to see us with cavities, missing teeth and receding gums, but there are some …

Special Dentist for Nervous Patients – Do You Have A Dental Phobia?

Hello and welcome to this blog all about dental phobia! If you suffer from dental phobia we want to make you feel empowered with the knowledge that dentists are here …

4 Tricks To Avoid A Cavity Under Your Christmas Tree This Year

Christmas Tree This Year Who doesn’t love Christmas? For many, it’s one of their favourite times of the year! Good company, plenty of films on TV and food! Christmas has …

Gum disease and heart disease

Gum disease and heart disease: The common thread

For decades, researchers have probed the link between gum disease and cardiovascular health. Gum disease begins when the sticky, bacteria-laden film dentists refer to as plaque For decades, researchers have …