Which Dental Veneer Treatment Works For You?

So you’re thinking about getting veneers? There are two main types of dental veneers that you can get, both types have their advantages and disadvantages, but they also suit the …

How does cosmetic dentistry change the quality of your life?

You likely know someone who has cosmetic dentistry, it’s hugely life-changing. Cosmetic dentistry is considered one of the biggest changes someone can undergo to improve their appearance and boost their …

Dental Implants Treatments

Which foods should you eat after Dental Implant Surgery

Whether you’ve had a tooth extraction and implant, or a single tooth implant procedure there are some common rules to follow. There are many common questions such as: what are …

The difference between braces and Invisalign.

There is a huge demand for teeth straightening and whitening, and that’s no surprise! This treatment combination provides a huge impact and a beautiful smile. Teeth straightening can have profound …

Composite Bonding Treatment Hampshire Anderson UK

Benefits of composite bonding and after care tips.

So you’re looking to find out more information on the benefits of composite bonding and how you should look after your new smile? We’ll cover it all in just a …

how do dental implants work – Dental Implants

How do dental implants work Dental implants are typically hailed as the best option for missing teeth. If you have a lost tooth, dental implants may be great for you. …

5 reasons you should get dental implants

Do you have missing teeth? Perhaps you have a missing front tooth? Regardless of where your lost tooth was, losing a tooth is not pleasant. Not only can it impact …

How long does it take for Invisalign to work?

Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures: Everything you need to know

Ok, so you’re thinking ‘I need a smile makeover’ or maybe there are some tweaks you want to make to perfect your smile. We’re here to help you get a …

How long does a dental implant procedure take?

Common Reasons For Porcelain Veneers Replacement

Why would veneers be removed? This is a really common question when it comes to veneers, as with any dental treatment, veneers have a lifespan, and whilst porcelain may last …

dental implant success rate

dental implant success rate If you’re considering replacing teeth and getting dental implants, you’re probably wondering how common is it for an implant to fail, or why does a dental …